Fruit composition
Qualitatively, the composition of different fruits is roughly the same, but quantitatively, huge differences can be observed depending on the fruit nature, but also the variety, le climate, the mode of culture...
The substances of interest for the wine maker are:
Water: 80-85%.
Fermentable sugars: sucrose, glucose, fructose (20-200 g/L).
Non fermentable sugars et polyalcohols: sorbitol, inositol...
Acids: tartaric, malic, citric (2-45 g/L).
Proteins, amino acids, food source for yeasts that will transform them in other substances.
Flavouring matters: the flavour conveys taste and odour to the fruit. It is a messy mixture of hundreds of different substances, most of them present as very small traces. It contributes to the fruity of a wine.
Dyes (anthocyanes).
Mineral salts: necessary for the yeasts life. Some fruits are rich in them, other not enough and it will be necessary to add some salts to the sap for the yeasts feeding.
Methanol: very ripe fruits always contain small amounts of methanol. It is formed by hydrolysis of pectin before fermentation.