1 For Windows 11, 10, 8.x, 7 and Vista
2 10 different clipboards with Unicode and save/restore support
3 Paste purified text, without formatting, even in Command Prompt (DOS) and PowerShell windows
4 Paste list of files from Windows Explorer
5 Send clipboard content to another computer


Inspired by "Multiple Clipboards", "PureText", "PowerMenu" and "CopyCat" and improved for personal needs, TenClips is a lightweight and must have multiple clipboards for software developers.

It is fast and very easy to use. There is no superfluous window or manipulation.

It has been particularly designed for developers, which very often copy/paste lots of snippets and small portions of code. You can keep up to 10 different objects, and easily switch between them. The content of the ten clipboards can be saved to a file and restored for later use.

TenClips is also for you if, for instance, you want to copy some text from a web page or a document and paste it as simple text into another application without getting all the formatting from the original source. It replaces the traditional paste/cut in Notepad to remove text formatting.

New versions from 2.1 adds following features:

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 must be installed.

Simple clipboards use


The current clipboard number is displayed in a tray icon Tray Icon. Hover it to display a tooltip with the beginning of the text content of the currently selected clipboard.

Double-click on TenClips tray icon to view all clipboards content.

View all

To save and restore the content of the ten clipboards, use the 'Save clipboards...' and 'Load clipboards...' of the contextual menu. A file can be defined in settings to be loaded at each startup.

Windows Explorer Shell Context Menu

If files are copied in the clipboard, TenClips can recreate parent structure when pasting these files in Windows Explorer.

Shell 1

With 'Paste directories only', you can also paste tree of directories without their files.

If you right-click on a text file in Windows Explorer, you can copy its content to the clipboard or copy/append clipboard text content to the file.

Shell 2


You can send clipboard content to another computer running TenClips.

To send current clipboard, go to the 'Network > Send current to' menu of TenClips. TenClips must listen on remote computers ('Network > Listen' must be checked).

You can define a list of hosts and allow/block reception according to rules.


Press Win + N (if configured) to send clipboard pure text to all default recipients.

Windows manipulation

The next picture shows different actions you can do with current window.

Windows 1

If 'Enable windows hook functions' is enabled in settings, you can also act on most title windows.

Windows 2


To access the main menu, right click the TenClips tray icon. Click on 'Settings...' to open the configuration dialog.


This dialog allows you to modify the shortcut keys.

Some others settings are explained in corresponding section.


TenClips may not be bundled with other software, included on CDs etc, linked to from other web sites or made available for download elsewhere. Link to this page instead.

Version 3.2
TenClipsSetup32.exe (full version, except that settings are not saved) (398 kB) for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.x, Windows 7, Vista.

Version 1.4
TenClipsSetup.exe (full version) (133 kB) for Windows XP SP2/SP3.

Note: After installation on Windows 10, 8.x or 7, to show the TenClips icon, click the little up arrow 'Show hidden icons' on the traybar. Next, click 'Customize...' and choose 'Show icon and notifications' for TenClips
After installation on Windows 11, to show the TenClips icon, go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar corner overflow and enable TenClips.


If you have tried TenClips and want to support its development, make a donation; give what you wish (minimum 6 EUR or 9 USD). When I receive a donation, I send your register key, which enable saving of TenClips settings.

I registered user can use TenClips on his home computer and work computer.

It's fast and easy. Just click on the 'PayPal' button below.

BTC accepted LTC accepted

Thanks, Paludour.

FAQ / Tips

  1. To paste (Win + V or Ctrl + W on Windows 10.1709 [Fall Creators Update]) in administrator Command Prompt (DOS) or administrator PowerShell windows, TenClips must be run as administrator.
    To run TenClips as administrator:
    • Right-click on the TenClips shortcut in Start > Program > Startup > TenClips. Click on "Properties", next on "Advanced" tab. Check "Run as administrator" and confirm.
    • Or, to bypass the UAC dialog if it appears, you can start TenClips via the Task Scheduler. The general method is described in Run UAC restricted programs without the UAC prompt (only for experimented Windows users).
  2. Press Ctrl + C in a MessageBox to copy its text in the clipboard!
  3. Shift-Right-Click in Windows Explorer adds "Copy as path" in the contextual menu.
  4. To redirect output of Command Prompt (DOS) to clipboard, use clip command; for example:
    dir | clip
    dir /b /s | clip
    (for /f "delims=" %a in ('cd') do @for /f "delims=" %b in ('dir /b') do @echo %a\%b) | clip
    tree | clip
    ipconfig /all | clip
    tasklist /s | clip


Roland, Ernest, Karl, Antonio...

Last updated: 1/2025.